Episode 171

Published on:

3rd Apr 2024

How to Deal with Other People

OK, so you're working on yourself (you are, like the rest of us, a work-in-progress) and you're discovering more about your inner power and how presence transforms everything.

And, then, you come down out of the little ivory tower in which you were meditating at 7.00am in the morning and are slapped across the face by the simple mathematical fact that you're pretty much only going to be confronted by normal crazy people today.

How do you deal with that? How do you deal with them? How do you handle other people?

Well, for starters, in this episode, we start (again) by addressing how you need to deal with the other person... in your head. The one that shouts loudest, the one who isn't there!

Once you've put on and adjusted your own oxygen mask, so to speak, your ready for action - not reaction, there's a world of difference - and that'll change everything, including (some of) those normal crazy people around you.

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About the Podcast

To Succeed... Just Let Go
How to change how you think, change your life and achieve success and happiness
I’m Willie Horton and I’m a psychologist - from Dublin Ireland, living in the French Alps - each week we explore how to change the way you think and... change your life.
Cognitive psychology and neuroscience provide the evidence that anyone - that means you! - can take charge of how the mind works, restructure the brain's key components and... change your life.
The really cool news is: what you need to do to change your life is breathtakingly simple and you'll find your health, wealth, fitness, wellbeing, happiness and peace of mind simply flow when you're flowing in the moment.
And you can get involved too - we can start talking in my private Facebook Group called… To Succeed… Just Let Go - just let go here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/100414346687833
To find out more about me go to: https://www.willie-horton.com

About your host

Profile picture for Willie Horton

Willie Horton

I’m Willie Horton and I’m a psychologist. Since 1996 I’ve been helping my clients and followers all over the world change how they think - that changes their perspective and their lives… and it’s transformational.

I’m originally an accountant and banker, from Dublin Ireland, now living in the French Alps (I know a bit about transformation too) and I can tell you how to change your life one simple step at a time (there are really only two steps).

Hope you take one of those steps today.