Peace of Mind and Opportunity
Regardless of your individual circumstances, there is one thing that I know you're looking for (because everyone's looking for it)... peace of mind.
Now, before we go any further, I do know some people who are not looking for peace of mind because they've already found it - they're owners of The Psychology of Success Online Program. You'll find details of that in the link in your podcast player!
Anyway, back to this episode. When you experience peace of mind, even for a moment, everything changes because your perspective is altered and, once experienced it cannot be unexperienced.
With peace of mind comes presence and presence is not just attractive, it's creative.
In this episode we explore how we effortlessly encounter opportunity when we're present - opportunity that your thinking mind could never imagine happening. I've picked a perfect client story to illustrate the point.
With presence comes an understanding that, in this moment (which is the only place and time that you can do what you need to do to get to where's best for you), all is well, you don't have a care in the world.
And that's liberating.
And, when you're liberated, anything's possible or, actually, the best's just going to happen.