The Waste of Worry
Imagine investing your attention, focus and energy in what you don't want to happen.
You don't need to imagine - it's something that comes naturally to the normal crazy mind - it's called worry.
And only an idiot would go there. But, we're all idiots until we take responsibility for what's going on in our head and take control of our state of mind.
In this episode, we explore how thinking leads to over-thinking, how wondering leads to worrying, we explore the delusional dangers of positive thinking and, obviously, we consider the detailed instructions on how to take that responsibility and control that leads to an end of worry, an end to stress and the beginning of an everyday experience of everyday life that is... a joy to behold.
We explore how taking control of your state of mind is actually simple, an easy task: you don't have to fight the thoughts in your head that lead to worry, you don't even have to fight the 1.8m years of evolution that designed your mind to err in the negative.
You simply have to allow yourself be. And, to do that, you can simply use the everyday tasks at hand to... change your life beyond recognition.
And, oh, beware of red BMWs!